1. Terms
    1. All requesters must use the services under the specified terms and conditions. Services cannot be accessed until the requester has agreed to these terms and conditions. Such agreement is final and irrevocable. Please read the service agreement carefully. By accepting, the requester acknowledges that they have read and understood the terms of this agreement, which constitutes a legally binding agreement between the requester and CABB.
    2. The use of the services by the requester signifies acceptance of the terms and conditions. This acceptance is final and irrevocable.
    3. CABB may amend the terms of service at any time, with the amendments becoming effective upon being posted on https://www.asiacab.co.th/ or within the application or website provided by CABB. Requesters should regularly review the service agreement and comply with any additional terms, which will be considered accepted upon continued use of the services.
    4. CABB's services are provided by Asia Cab Co., Ltd., acting as an intermediary between the requester and third-party service providers. CABB is not responsible for any actions or omissions by third-party providers, who are not representatives, employees, or agents of CABB.
  2. Definitions
    1. "Provider" refers to Asia Cab Co., Ltd., its branches, affiliates, or other entities jointly controlled by Asia Cab Co., Ltd., under the name CABB.
    2. "Service Terms" refers to the agreement, terms, contract, or similar notifications detailing legal rights and duties.
    3. "Services" means connecting the requester with third-party providers via an application or website.
    4. "Third-Party Providers" refers to CABB drivers.
    5. "Users" refers to passengers.
    6. "Requesters" means anyone accessing CABB's application or website, including users.
    7. "CABB Policies" includes:
      • Personal data protection policies
      • Cancellation policies
      • CABB driver ethics or customer ethics that are legally binding
      • All documents, policies, notices, advice, FAQs, or agreements provided or sent to the requester periodically
    8. "Application" refers to applications developed by CABB (or its authorized parties) for services provided to requesters and third-party providers.
    9. "Personal Data" refers to information that identifies the requester or can confirm their identity, such as name, nationality, phone number, email, photo, ID number, race, birthdate, marital status, religion, health information, vehicle and insurance details.
    10. "Service Fees" refers to fees incurred by the requester from using services, including application fees, taxes, and other related charges.
  3. Representations and Warranties of the Requester
    1. :
      1. The requester is at least twenty (20) years old or legally authorized to enter into this agreement.
      2. The requester will provide true, accurate, and complete information and keep it updated.
      3. The requester will use the services and application or website as stipulated and in compliance with applicable laws.
      4. The requester will keep passwords, accounts, and authentication information secure and confidential.
      5. The requester will notify CABB immediately if unauthorized account use or security breaches occur.
      6. The requester will not exploit the services or application/website for commercial purposes without permission.
      7. The requester will not share personal data or user status and cannot transfer their account to others.
      8. The requester will provide identity verification or other documents as requested by CABB.
      9. The requester will not use the services or application/website to send illegal or fraudulent content.
      10. The requester will provide accurate, updated, and complete information as requested by CABB. If the requester's information is found to be false, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, CABB reserves the right to suspend the agreement and service without prior notice.
      11. The requester agrees that service use will be under CABB's data protection policy, which may be amended periodically.
      12. The requester agrees to cooperate with CABB in investigations or inspections as legally requested.
      13. The requester accepts responsibility for any damages or losses caused by themselves or others resulting from violations of this agreement.
    2. If the requester is a user, they additionally represent and warrant that:
      1. The requester will use the services for their personal needs within the permitted scope, without causing disturbance, annoyance, or making false bookings that may harm third-party providers or CABB.
      2. The requester will accurately disclose the number of passengers when requested and acknowledges that false information may result in cancellation of the booking by the third-party provider, incurring cancellation charges as per the cancellation policy.
      3. The requester will not damage CABB vehicles intentionally or negligently.
      4. The requester agrees that one device can register only one user account, but multiple devices can register the same user account.
  4. Payment
    1. User Payments
      1. Users must pay according to service conditions immediately upon service completion or after booking confirmation, through credit/debit card or Mobile Banking (QR Code), including tips (if any), to the third-party provider as specified.
      2. CABB reserves the right to suspend any transaction suspected of fraud, illegality, or criminality, or if the user violates the agreement terms.
      3. Upon service completion, users must pay the third-party provider in full, and payments are not automatically refundable.
      4. If users choose to pay by card, they must register a valid card as specified in the application or pay through a card reader.
      5. Users consent to card verification and provide card information upon registration with CABB.
      6. CABB may suspend transactions, cancel usage, or limit card usage in case of payment errors leading to financial institution rejections or suspected fraudulent, illegal, or criminal activity, or if users violate this agreement.
      7. Users agree to cooperate with CABB in financial crime prevention as legally required.
  5. Cancellation Policy
    1. Users may cancel service requests at any time before boarding the vehicle of the third-party provider.
    2. If users cancel their booking or fail to arrive at the specified location, they will be charged a cancellation fee or other fees as CABB may specify periodically.
    3. If users are incorrectly charged a cancellation fee, they may contact CABB customer service. CABB reserves the right to refund at its discretion, possibly in the form of credit to the user's registered card or other methods deemed appropriate.
    4. If service vehicle breakdowns occur while users are in transit, CABB will arrange a replacement vehicle immediately, or users may cancel the service without charge.
    5. If an accident occurs during service causing user delay, CABB will provide a replacement vehicle immediately, or users may cancel the service without paying the fare.
    6. In case of payment system malfunction upon service completion, CABB will inform users of alternative payment methods to settle the fare within 24 hours.
  6. Rating
    1. Users and third-party providers may rate each other for the service provided.
    2. All ratings will be automatically recorded in CABB's system and analyzed accordingly.
  7. Complaints

    Users and third-party providers have the right to file complaints, which CABB will address directly. CABB may take appropriate action, including service suspension without prior notice, and reserves the right not to compensate the requester.

  8. Intellectual Property
    1. CABB owns all rights, titles, and interests, including intellectual property, related to the application, services, and other related components. This agreement does not transfer any ownership rights to the requester. The CABB name, logo, services, application, third-party provider trademarks, and related product names are CABB trademarks. No rights or permissions to use them are granted.
    2. CABB owns the copyright in the displayed information, images, and formats within the application, unless stated otherwise. Copying, reproducing, imitating, altering, or distributing such content for any purpose without CABB's permission is prohibited.
  9. Taxes
    1. The requester agrees that this agreement is subject to applicable taxes, charges, fees, and/or other costs under the law. The requester must comply with legal requirements to assist CABB in claiming tax credits, deductions, or refunds related to activities under this agreement.
  10. Confidentiality

    The requester must maintain the confidentiality of information related to CABB, its services, products, business activities, marketing plans, or any other disclosed information. The requester must use this information solely for service purposes and not disclose it to third parties without CABB's written consent, except as required by law.

  11. Data and Personal Information Privacy Policy
    1. Cab gives importance to the privacy of service users.
    2. Cab promises to protect the privacy and personal information of service users according to Cab's privacy policy.
    3. The service user agrees to allow the service provider to collect, use, or disclose the user's personal information with prior consent or at the time of using this service through electronic systems.
    4. Personal information as stated in 11.3 includes information used to verify the identity of the service user or confirm the user’s identity, such as name, nationality, phone number, email, photo, ID card number, ethnicity, date of birth, marital status, religion, health information, vehicle and insurance information, to fulfill the contract to which the service user is a party or to comply with the user's request.
    5. The service provider, who has collected the personal information of the service user, will not perform any action that violates or fails to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act, B.E. 2562, causing damage to the service user unless the damage is due to force majeure or caused by the actions or omissions of the data subject or by order of an official performing their legal duties.
    6. The service user consents to allow Cab, its affiliates, and related companies to collect, use, manage, and disclose personal information as specified in Cab's.
    7. The service user acknowledges that Cab may disclose the personal information of others to the service user during the use of the service.
  12. Limitation of Liability
    1. Except as announced and as specified by law, any claims against Cab by the service user will be limited to the total amount paid by and/or payable by the service user during the event that caused such claims. Cab and/or its licensees will not be liable to the service user or any third party. Cab and/or its licensees will not be liable for any loss, damage, or injury that may occur or arise from the service user or any other persons who booked the service, including but not limited to:
      1. Loss, damage, or injury arising in connection with the service and/or the application.
      2. Inability to use the service and/or the application.
      3. Consequences of transactions between the service user and third-party service providers, advertisers, or sponsors whose advertisements appear on the website or are mentioned through the service application, even if Cab and/or its licensees were previously advised of the possibility of such damages.
    2. Cab will not engage in conflicts or negotiations in disputes between service users and third-party service providers, including the vehicles of third-party service providers, advertisers, or sponsors unless the service user is a corporate client with an account with Cab. Cab cannot and will not participate in fee disputes between the service user and third-party service providers, including the vehicles of third-party service providers, advertisers, or sponsors. The responsibility for decisions made by the service user regarding the service and product offerings through the service application rests solely with the service user. The service user expressly waives their rights to release Cab from any liability, claims, or damages arising from or related to the use of the service application or in any way related to third-party service providers, including the vehicles of third-party service providers, advertisers, or sponsors, offering their services to the user through the service application.
  13. Severability

    If any provision of this service agreement is invalid or unenforceable by law, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions shall not be affected or impaired

  14. Suspension and Termination

    The service user acknowledges that Cab can perform the following actions at any time without prior notice: (1) Change, modify, suspend, or terminate operations or access to the application or any part of the application, including access to the service user's account and/or the availability of any products or services for any reason; (2) Amend or modify any policies or terms related thereto; and (3) Suspend the operation of the application or any part of the application, including access to the service user's account and/or the availability of any products or services as necessary for routine maintenance.

© Copyright ASIA CAB Company Limited, 2023. All rights reserved.